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In case you haven't noticed. A cold wave has hit China. Many cities across the country have experienced their lowest temperatures so far this winter.Women visit Tiananmen Square in cold wind in Beijing, capital of Ch

In case you haven't noticed. A cold wave has hit China. Many cities across the country have experienced their lowest temperatures so far this winter.


Women visit Tiananmen Square in cold wind in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 18, 2016. Beijing might witness its coldest week this winter, as the highest temperature will be between zero to minus five degrees centigrade this week, according to the local meteorological observatory. (Xinhua/Ju Huanzong)

China is in the grip of a cold snap. Parts of the country braced for record low temperatures after a cold wave left many cities shivering at below minus 10 degrees celsius.

Temperatures in Hebei province plunged to minus 19 degrees on Monday, the coldest day this winter. And in many cities in northeast China, such as Shenyang, Jilin and Harbin, temperatures have plummeted to as low as minus 20 degrees

People are bundling up as best they can.

"I feel colder and colder while walking on the streets. It's incredible. My face turned red. It's so cold that I don't dare to take my hands out of my pockets."

The freeze brought snowfall to some parts of north China, causing traffic chaos in some places. Authorities even restricted traffic on some of highways in Hebei, as they were completely frozen.

only vehicles carrying less than seven-passengers are allowed on the roads....

But for some, the cold weather has its advantages. These people in northeast Shenyang warmed up with an exhilarating ride down an ice slide.

"It feels like surfing, this is so cool."

"I live nearby, and I always come here to play in the snow... I really enjoy that, it was so fun."

Here in the capital, some people in Beijing are brightening up the environment this frigid winter, by carving fantastic frozen sculptures where you can see the pale winter sunlight sparkle on the surface.

But don't expect to take off your winter jacket anytime soon as in the coming weeks, the temperatures in most areas of China are expected to FALL even further. Good news for fans of winter fun, but bad news for those who hate the cold! 

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