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崔顺实首罪宣判 获刑3年

崔顺实首罪宣判 获刑3年某韩国法院判处下台总统朴槿惠的老朋友入狱三年,朴槿惠老友被控告利用总统关系非法将其女儿送入首尔一著名大学。Choi Soon-sil, the woman at the centre of the South Korean political scandal and long-time f

崔顺实首罪宣判 获刑3年


崔顺实首罪宣判 获刑3年

Choi Soon-sil, the woman at the centre of the South Korean political scandal and long-time friend of president Park Geun-hye, arrives for a hearing arguments for South Korean President Park Geun-hye's impeachment trial at the Constitutional court in Seoul, South Korea, January 16, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]

SEOUL — A South Korean court has sentenced a longtime friend of ousted President Park Geun-hye to three years in prison for using her presidential ties to unlawfully get her daughter into a prestigious Seoul university.

The Seoul central district Court on Friday said Choi Soon-sil "committed so many illegal activities" as she pressured Ewha Womans university to grant admission and then provide academic favors to her daughter despite Chung Yoo-ra's questionable qualifications.


Choi is being tried separately over more serious charges, including allegations that she colluded with Park to take tens of millions of dollars from the country's largest companies in bribes and through extortion.

Park was removed from office and charged over the corruption scandal in March.

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