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Cultural Media Awards: Studies in Chinese ancient civilizati

In keeping with tradition, An award ceremony, held by Chinese Culture Institute of Internet Communication, has recognized achievement in presenting China's ancient history.In keeping with tradition, An award ceremony

In keeping with tradition, An award ceremony, held by Chinese Culture Institute of Internet Communication, has recognized achievement in presenting China's ancient history.

Cultural Media Awards: Studies in Chinese ancient civilizati

In keeping with tradition, An award ceremony, held by Chinese Culture Institute of Internet Communication, has recognized achievement in presenting China's ancient history.

Thirty outstanding examples have made the list in the three categories of Best Social Media, Best Websites, and Best Internet Art and Literature. Best Websites includes the Chinese Classics Channel on ifeng.com, Chinese ancient-civilization studies on gmw.com, and the History Channel on sina.com.

Best Internet Art and literature includes documentaries such as "A Tibetan's Tibet" and "Our Festivals". Winners were announced on Thursday in Beijing, with the proceedings broadcast on the main video websites in China. 

  • 本文标签:
  • Cultural Studies
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