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Libya torn by civil war and battles with ISIL

Libya is marking the fifth anniversary of its revolution while the country remains torn by civil war and Islamic State expands quickly in the chaos.Libya is marking the fifth anniversary of its revolution while the count

Libya is marking the fifth anniversary of its revolution while the country remains torn by civil war and Islamic state expands quickly in the chaos.

Libya torn by civil war and battles with ISIL

Libya is marking the fifth anniversary of its revolution while the country remains torn by civil war and Islamic State expands quickly in the chaos.

Libya’s Western-backed popular uprising officially began on February 17, 2011, and resulted in the toppling of long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi. The oil-rich nation quickly plunged into political chaos and civil war.

Five years later, the Libyan state is a failure and there are no visible prospects for any kind of development. The GDP of the country has decreased from 750 billion US dollars to 350 billion. It once was one of the richest countries in Africa, but now one third of its people live under the poverty line.

The Islamic State is another threat for Libya... the armed group has exploited the chaos engulfing the North African nation since the revolution to gain a foothold and expand its influence.

Libya torn by civil war and battles with ISIL

Libya is marking the fifth anniversary of its revolution while the country remains torn by civil war and Islamic State expands quickly in the chaos.

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