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Dai Guohong, a man who lost his legs in an earthquake, shows a scroll on which he wrote poems to his wife. [Photo/VCG]An earthquake victim who had his legs amputated lives on to findhislove, reportedChongqing Evening New


Dai Guohong, a man who lost his legs in an earthquake, shows a scroll on which he wrote poems to his wife. [Photo/VCG]

An earthquake victim who had his legs amputated lives on to find his love, reported Chongqing Evening News on Tuesday.

On May 12, 2008, Dai Guohong, the then 18-year-old high school student was buried under debris in his classroom after a magnitude-8.0 earthquake hit his home of Beichuan Qiang autonomous county, Southwest China's Sichuan province.

Two days later, Dai was rescued, but his legs had to be amputated due to the severity of his injuries.

At the suggestion of doctors, Dai started swimming in 2009 to rehabilitate, eventually going on to win two gold medals at the National Paralympic Games.


However in 2013, Dai had to go to Hong Kong for an operation because a bone was piercing through his skin due to the amputation. During his stay in Hong Kong, he met his wife Wu Simiao - a nurse.

Dai said he liked Wu because she reminded him of the medical workers who took care of him in hospital. They fell in love and talked on WeChat, a popular messaging platform, almost every day.

To express his love, Dai bought a 100-meter-long scroll to record his feelings. Over the past four years, he wrote a poem on the scroll almost every day.


He even wrote poems on a set of self-made bamboo slips, a traditional media for documents before paper was invented.

Dai proposed to Wu after a swimming match at the 9th National Paralympics Games in 2015 and the two registered their marriage last year.



A wedding photo of the couple. [Photo/VCG]

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  • Guohong
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