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疑似马航MH370残骸现身莫桑比克 马来西亚派工作队前往调查

Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Thursday that a team will be sent to Mozambique to inspect the newly found debris there, which was very likely from the missing MH370 aircraft.Malaysian Transport Minister

Malaysian transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Thursday that a team will be sent to Mozambique to inspect the newly found debris there, which was very likely from the missing MH370 aircraft.

疑似马航MH370残骸现身莫桑比克 马来西亚派工作队前往调查

Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai (C) talks about the debris found in Mozambique during an activity in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, March 3, 2016. Liow Tiong Lai said on Thursday that a team will be sent to Mozambique to inspect the newly found debris there. (Xinhua/Chong Voon Chung)

疑似马航MH370残骸现身莫桑比克 马来西亚派工作队前往调查

Malaysia Airlines groundstaff walk on the tarmac at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on February 25, 2016. [Photo: Xinhua]

Liow said that the team will include members from the department of Civil Aviation (DCA), Malaysia Airlines and the investigation team.

Liow said that the debris will be sent to Australia, as the country has already a team in Mozambique. “I have not received the details about when the debris will arrive in Australia, but definitely the debris will be under the custody of Malaysia,” Liow said.

The minister said that if the debris were indeed from MH370, the location of the debris still falls into the drifting pattern related to the search for the missing plane in the South Indian Ocean.

Liow said that there will be a tripartite meeting between Malaysia, Australia and China in June, during which the experts will give advice on the future search.

As the two-year anniversary of the MH370 incident approaches, Liow said that an interim statement will be issued by the investigation team March 8 according to the rules of the ICAO, which is expected to look into the cause of the accident.

A plane wreckage, likely to be from a Boeing 777, was found ashore on the coast of Mozambique.

Flight MH370, a Boeing 777-200ER, disappeared March 8, 2014, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with a total of 239 passengers on board, most of them Chinese nationals.

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