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President Xi Jinping meets with US Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday. They discussed a range of issues that would build upon t


President Xi Jinping meets with US Marine general Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday. They discussed a range of issues that would build upon the two nations' desire to improve ties. FENG YonGBIN / CHINA DAILY

Korean Peninsula,security topics as regional issues heat up

President Xi Jinping described the ups and downs of China-US ties by saying, "A rainbow appears after winds and tides", and added the two sides should treat each other with sincerity and kindness, have closer contacts and properly tackle disagreements.

Xi made the comments on Thursday in a meeting with US Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Dunford, who arrived in Beijing on Monday night, is the first US senior military official to visit China since US president Donald Trump took office in January.

Xi told Dunford that the world's two largest economies have major influence regionally and globally, and they bear key duties to secure world peace and stability and promote global development and prosperity.

A good handle of the developing ties matters to both peoples and has profound influence on the global strategic picture, he said.

Xi asked Dunford to relay his greeting to Trump, and said he welcomes Trump's visit to China, expected before this year ends.

Speaking of the relations between the two militaries, Xi said such a tie is a key part of and key stabilizing factor for China-US relations, and the militaries have made progress in dialogue, building trust and cooperation.

Dunford said that under the navigation of President Xi and President Trump, the military relationship between the two has scored a number of advances as it has matured.

Washington is committed to frank and professional dialogue with China regarding military affairs, expanding the scope of their exchanges and cooperation and managing and controlling risks, he said.

Dunford's visit to China came amid tensions regarding the Korean Peninsula, and the situation there was a key item of his agenda.

In a meeting earlier on Thursday, Vice-Chairman Fan Changlong of China's central Military Commission told Dunford that China believes dialogue and reconciliation offer the only viable path toward resolving the peninsula's issues, and "military means should not be an option".

All parties concerned should exercise restraint and avoid worsening tensions, Fan said. Beijing is ready to work with Washington in jointly playing positive roles to tackle the issues, Fan added.

Media reports noted that Dunford has said that Beijing should step up pressure on Pyongyang over the issue.

In response, Foreign Ministry spokeswomen Hua Chunying said on Thursday that China's consistent stance on the issue will not change.

"It is no use to mislead or pressure (China), not to mention threatening (China)" in this regard, Hua said.

China takes an objective and fair view when drafting the relevant policies, and Beijing is willing to maintain communication with Washington on the base of mutual respect, she added.

Dunford also met with state Councilor Yang Jiechi on Thursday to talk about major international and regional issues.

Zhang Zhihao contributed to this story.

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