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Voices and Votes :截至2020年带领7000万人脱贫

In his report, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said at least 10 million rural residents will be lifted out of poverty this year. And the country will lift 70 million people out of poverty by 2020, according to the draft outli

In his report, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said at least 10 million rural residents will be lifted out of poverty this year. And the country will lift 70 million people out of poverty by 2020, according to the draft outline of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan. What challenges face China’s ambitious poverty-reduction plan?

And, as China pledges to develop modern agriculture in the coming years, what policies should it implement? How should we view the overall future of China’s rural areas? Joining me in the studio to discuss these issues is Ms. Zhang Linxiu, deputy director of the center for Chinese Agricultural policy at Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Mr. Michele Geraci, Head of the China Economic Policy programme at Nottingham university Business School in China will join us in the second part of today’s programme.

Voices and Votes :截至2020年带领7000万人脱贫

Voices and Votes 03/06/2016 Lifting 70 million people out of poverty by 2020

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  • 2020年
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