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1st charity bill submitted to national legislature

The draft of the charity law, China's first bill to regulate charity activities, has been submitted to the national legislature. It aims to recruit help in realizing the 2020 poverty alleviation target.The law is nec

The draft of the charity law, China's first bill to regulate charity activities, has been submitted to the national legislature. It aims to recruit help in realizing the 2020 poverty alleviation target.

"The law is necessary for the development and regulation of charity work. It's a key step in boosting legislation and rule of law, and will help us battle poverty and build a moderately prosperous society. It's also crucial for traditional Chinese virtues and socialist core values," said LI Jianguo, vice chairman of NPC standing cmmittee.

1st charity bill submitted to natio<em></em>nal legislature

BEIJING, March 9, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Li Jianguo, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), elaborates the draft law on charity during the second plenary meeting of the fourth session of the 12th NPC at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 9, 2016. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

Authorities expect the new law to encourage more ordinary citizens, enterprises and social organizations to engage in charity programs. The amount of donation to charity programs increased from 10 billion yuan in 2006 to about 100 billion yuan now. Authorities say the law is to tackle loopholes and problems in charity activities. It also addresses the internal management of charity organizations, the obligation of information disclosure, as well as policies to encourage charity donations, like tax deductions.

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  • charity submitted
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