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Many Chinese experts have hit back at the United States over its human rights record. They are responding to a recent statement released by the US together with 11 countries, which expressed concerns over China's hum

Many Chinese experts have hit back at the United States over its human rights record. They are responding to a recent statement released by the US together with 11 countries, which expressed concerns over China's human rights issues.


BEIJING , March 14, 2016 (Xinhua) -- The information office of the state Council holds a press conference on human rights situations of the United States, in Beijing, capital of China, March 14, 2016. (Xinhua/Pan Xu)

At a news conference on Monday, several Chinese academics lambasted the United States for what they said was hypocritical criticism of China. They slammed Washington over its gun control and racial problem.

"There are over 300 million privately-owned guns in the US. Almost everyone has a gun. It's an overwhelming figure. Every year 30 thousand people die in gun-related incidents in the US. Racism is a long-lasting problem in the American society. 61 percent of US citizens think race relations are at the worst stage in two decades," Li Yunlong with China Society for Human Rights Studies said.

Another expert says the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council has helped improve human rights condition in the world, except that in the United States.

"World maternal mortality rate has gone down by 45 percent. But in the US, this rate shot up by 136 percent from 1990 to 2013. In terms of medical care, there are 33 million people without coverage," Chang Jian, vice director of Human Rights research Center, Nankai University, said.

Chang says the US electoral system is increasingly controlled by groups well-funded by corporate interests.

He says every dollar American companies invest in a political campaign, will generate 760 dollars worth of profit in return.

"So we can see that the Unites States has progressed very little in areas concerning human rights. A country like this has no right to judge another.." Chang Jian, vice director of Human Rights Research Center, Nankai University, said.

Experts also blamed Europe's refugee crisis on the United States' military involvement in the Middle East.

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