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秘鲁女学生暴雨中护流浪狗 网友大呼感动

A selfless schoolgirl has been praised for her compassion after pictures emerged of her protecting astray dog from the rain during a heavy downpour in Peru.一位无私的女学生因其同情心获得了大家的赞扬,因为大家看到了她在秘

A selfless schoolgirl has been praised for her compassion after pictures emerged of her protecting astray dog from the rain during a heavy downpour in Peru.


The images of the girl, named as Daniela Segura Morales, have gone viral after a bystander snappedthem of her sheltering the street pup in the city of Huancayo in the south central Peruvian region of Junin. The girl can be seen bent down next to the dog, cuddling into to her knee and then taking her jacket to shelter it from the pouring rain.


The bystander shared the images on Facebook and they have been seen 205,000 times and shared and commented on by thousands who wanted to applaud the gesture. They were uploaded with thecaption: "To see there are still people who care about animals fills me with happiness."


"See her drying the little dog with her blazer without caring what anyone thinks says a lot, if we all followed her example, I assure you this would be a different country."


"Congratulations on your big heart, animals are the angels of god, good vibes for you and that god blesses you in all that you do ;) "


The young engineering student was identified by other classmates and she even replied to a comment on the photo saying:"I don't know what to say."


  • 本文标签:
  • 女学生 selfless
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