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Syria denies any dispute with Moscow behind Russia pulling o

Syria has denied any dispute or problem between Moscow and Damascus, against rumors following Russia's decision to withdraw forces from Syria. Syria's presidential media office completely denied the claims on som

Syria has denied any dispute or problem between Moscow and Damascus, against rumors following Russia's decision to withdraw forces from Syria. Syria's presidential media office completely denied the claims on some opposition websites, saying the Russian decision came after complete coordination with the Syrian side. It stressed that "Syria and Russia are still committed to fighting terrorism jointly.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Syrian opposition High Negotiations Committee cautiously welcomed Russia announcing it would remove its troops from Syria.

"For us it's important to see action instead of hearing words. If this step, if this decision, will remove all troops, all Russian troops from Syria, then it will be a positive step. and I believe the other positive step should be taken by Russia's president by saying that he is standing beside the Syrian people not beside the dictators of Syria," Syrian Opposition HNC spokesman Salem Al-Mislet said.

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