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外媒看中国:小偷公车下手 美女的反应

This thief would be best placed to remember the old adage 'don't judge a book by its cover' after picking on the wrong victim - with painful results.这里有个小毛贼一定忘不了不要以貌取人的老话了,因为他挑错了


This thief would be best placed to remember the old adage 'don't judge a book by its cover' after picking on the wrong victim - with painful results.


Footage has surfaced of a man attempting to steal from the handbag of a woman on a bus in China.


The woman is shown standing up on a bus watching something on her smartphone as a shifty-looking gentleman stands behind her. As she moves to lean against a railing, the man moves to stand behind her, edging his body as close as he can to hers. He then takes a quick look around him before slowly putting his hand into the handbag, which is hung over the shoulder of the woman.


However the woman suddenly realises what is going on and spins around, grabbing hold of the man's wrist, causing it to become trapped between the railings. She shouts at him as he tries to shake him off, and as she cries out to get the attention of other passengers, the would-be thief shouts back at her.


The woman then yanks on the man's arm and kicks him in the leg, forcing him to drop to his knees on the bus. She then throws him against a railing before kicking him in the chest, sending the pickpocketflying some-what dramatically over the barrier.


The footage has received mixed views online, with some praising the woman's fighting prowess and others claiming the video is a stunt.


One suspicious viewer wrote 'Why bother making fake videos? It only gives power to the Dark side of the Farce!' while another added: 'As fake as my Rolex watch.'




This is a set up. Someone was filming from beginning to end. The camera angle was precise to catch the whole theft that the photographer did nothing about while it was in progress. This is a set up.



Obvious fake. Who was recording the pickpocket the whole time, but not saying a word to the "victim' about it?



Everybody was Kung fu fighting, that chick was fast as lightning.


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