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如果你是奥克兰的警察,不要去打扰这家Hasta Muerte咖啡店,这家咖啡店拒绝为穿制服的警察服务。A California coffee shop is under fire for refusing to serve uniformed law enforcement officers, claiming its to protect the physi

 如果你是奥克兰的警察,不要去打扰这家Hasta Muerte咖啡店,这家咖啡店拒绝为穿制服的警察服务。


A California coffee shop is under fire for refusing to serve uniformed law enforcement officers, claiming it’s to protect the “physical and emotional safety of our customers and ourselves.”


Hasta Muerte Coffee, an employee-owned business that opened just a few months ago in Oakland, recently announced it will not serve officers in uniform.

员工持股的Hasta Muerte 咖啡店几个月前刚刚在奥克兰开张,其最近宣布将不再为身着制服的警察服务。

It all started a couple of weeks ago when an Oakland police sergeant wanted to introduce himself to the owners and get a cup of coffee. However, he was denied service, KTVU reported.


In a letter to the Oakland police union after the incident, the coffee shop said “it does not serve the police.”


Hasta Muerte Coffee, which is Spanish for “until death,” explained the situation in a social media post last month – which sparked widespread criticism online.

Hasta Muerte是西班牙语,意思是“直到死亡”,此咖啡店上个月在社交媒体帖子上解释了这一情况,在网上引起了广泛批评。

“We have a policy of asking police to leave for the physical and emotional safety of our customers and ourselves,” the post read.


The lengthy post continued: “OPD’s [Oakland Police Department’s] recent attempts to enlist officers of color and its short term touting of fewer officer involved shootings does not reverse or mend its history of corruption, mismanagement, and scandal, nor a legacy of blatant repression. The facts are that poc [people of color], women, and queer police are complicit in upholding the same law and order that routinely criminalizes and terrorizes black and brown and poor folks, especially youth, trans, and houseless folks. For these reasons and so many more, we need the support of the actual community to keep this place safe, not police.”


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  • 奥克兰 咖啡店
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