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特朗普政府准备最早于本周五(6月15日)对500亿美元的中国输美产品征收关税。贸易战不可避免?The Trump administration is preparing to impose tariffs on up to $50 billion in imports from China possible early this Friday follow



The Trump administration is preparing to impose tariffs on up to $50 billion in imports from China possible early this Friday following its top diplomat heads to Beijing to solicit support for negotiations with North Korea.


The White House last month said it would on June 15 release a list of products imported from China to be targeted for tariffs in retaliation for what it says is a threat of US intellectual property. The move came despite China’s pledge to buy some $70 billion in US farm and energy exports and plans for more talks between the world’s two largest economies aimed at avoiding a trade war.


The tariffs were delayed until after president Donald Trump’s Singapore summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un this week as Washington solicited China’s help in bringing North Korea to the negotiating table. Releasing the list would be seen by China as a provocative gesture, with US secretary of state Mike Pompeo due to visit Beijing on Thursday to brief Chinese officials on the Singapore talks.

由于美国寻求获得中国的帮助,把朝鲜带上谈判桌,这次征税被推迟到美国总统唐纳德?特朗普和朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)本周在新加坡举行的峰会之后。美国发布这份征税清单将被中方视为挑衅行为,而美国国务卿迈克?蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)在本周四访问北京,为中国官员介绍新加坡磋商的情况。

Senior US officials also have agreed to go a step further and begin imposing the 25 per cent tariffs quickly after the list is released, with some duties possibly taking effect immediately on Friday, according to people briefed on the preparations. The administration would have up to 30 days to impose tariffs under the law being used, but officials are determined to move more quickly, the people said.


The administration is also preparing new restrictions on Chinese investment in the US and export controls on sensitive products, which it is expected to present on June 30.


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