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Self-developed new train to run on high-speed rail line

A CRH5G train makes its debut before the opening of Baoji-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, at a maintenance base in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Thursday. [Photo/chinanews.com]A new train with its t

Self-developed new train to run on high-speed rail line

A CRH5G train makes its debut before the opening of Baoji-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, at a maintenance base in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Thursday. [Photo/chinanews.com]

A new train with its two core systems domestically developed made its debut before the opening of Baoji-Lanzhou high-speed rail line in Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, on Thursday.

The CRH5G train, an electric multiple unit (EMU) train with a speed of 250 km an hour, is equipped with two core systems that have completely independent intellectual property rights, a network control system called "China Brain" and a train contraction system called "China Heart".

Ninety percent of its nine key technologies and 10 matching technologies were also developed in China.

The train is specially designed to cope with the harsh natural conditions, such as extreme temperatures, high humidity, high altitude, sandstorm and strong ultraviolet rays, along the Baoji-Lanzhou high-speed rail line.

The temperature inside the train will be maintained at 24 degree Celsius with high-power air conditioners, even if the temperature outside reaches 40 degree Celsius or minus 40 degree Celsius. When it rains or snows, the train will automatically spray sand on rail to increase the friction.

More than 2,000 sensors and observation points have been installed on the train to monitor major systems and components, even though they themselves have self-protection function, to ensure maximum safety.

The appearance of the train has been enhanced with a dolphin-shaped headstock, which can reduce resistance and noise, and the carriages are wider and interiors are more advanced.

To provide passengers a more comfortable journey, the broadcasting system, Wi-Fi, air conditioner control system and dustbin have all been made better.

The train will serve on the Baoji-Lanzhou high-speed rail line, which will be put into operation on July 9. The 401-km railway line, linking Baoji of Northwest China's Shaanxi province and Lanzhou in neighboring Gansu province, will link high-speed rail line network in northwestern China with the country's whole network.


  • 本文标签:
  • Self-developed
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