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Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, called for more consensus from non-Communist parties to maintain the leadership of the CPC and boost confidence toward the development of s

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China central Committee, called for more consensus from non-Communist parties to maintain the leadership of the CPC and boost confidence toward the development of socialism.

Xi, also president of China, made the remarks on Friday at a symposium attended by representatives of non-Communist parties, the All-China Federation of industry and Commerce, and those without party affiliation.

Xi told them to unite their parties' members and the people connected with them, view the problems and difficulties of development in an objective manner, and reach more political consensus.

Xi said he hoped the representatives make full use of their own advantages, focus on the country's major strategic plans, do thorough research, and raise valuable proposals.

The representatives should have an accurate understanding of the CPC Central Committee's analysis and judgment of the current economic situation, unite all forces that can be united, make full use of all resources, and make a joint contribution to building a comprehensive well-off society, he said.

The president pointed out that in the first half of this year, the country's main economic index developed better than expectation, with a more stable macroeconomy and improvements in people's livelihoods.

There are also lots of problems in the economy, which require a clear mind and proper measures to handle, Xi said, adding that more efforts should be made to push forward supply-side structural reform and rule out major risks.

During the symposium, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a report on the country's economic work in the first half of this year and introduced the CPC Central Committee's plan for economic work of the second half of the year.

Ten representatives offered their suggestions on issues including building the Belt and Road, preventing local government debt risks, boosting open markets, improving the efficiency of logistics, improving the healthcare system, and pushing forward sustainable development of new energy.

Noting that the representatives' proposals are enlightening, Xi said the suggestions will be taken into consideration in a proactive manner.

  • 本文标签:
  • 共产主义 Jinping general
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