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Editor's note: Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at a grand event at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on T

Editor's note: Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army, president Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at a grand event at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Tuesday. Here are some highlights from his speech.


Xi Jinping, commander-in-chief of the PLA, reviews the armed forces as part of the commemorations marking the 90th founding anniversary of the PLA at a military training base in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, July 30, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

1. CPC's absolute leadership over army

"To build a strong military, [we] must unswervingly adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over the armed forces, and make sure that the people's army always follows the Party," said Xi, also general secretary of the CPC central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

It is an essential trait of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a major political advantage of the Party and the state, he said.

"No matter how times develop and how circumstances change, this army of ours will always remain one of the Party and one of the people," Xi said.

"The armed forces must follow the banner, the direction and the will of the Party at all times and under any circumstances," Xi added.

"History has told us that the principle of 'the Party commanding the gun' is the fundamental guarantee for the people's army to retain their nature and goal," Xi said.


2. Stressing military reform, warning against rigidity, stagnation

Xi said the PLA must be bold in reform and adept in innovation while staying away from rigidity and stagnation at any time and under any circumstances.

Over the past 90 years, the PLA has formed a set of principles on military building and management, developed strategies and tactics of people's war, and fostered special glorious traditions and fine conduct under the leadership of the CPC, which were hailed by Xi as the "magic weapon" for the PLA to claim one victory after another.

Behind the glorious victories are also the ideals and beliefs, as well as the reform determination of the armed forces, Xi said.

"only by continuous reform and innovation, can the people's army constantly gain development vitality and put itself in an impregnable position," Xi said.


3. Informationized armed forces

President Xi said that the PLA is moving rapidly toward "strong" informationized armed forces.

He said the PLA has transformed from a "millet plus rifles" single-service force to one that has fully fledged services and has basically completed mechanization.


4. Solid steps toward strong army over 5 years

The political environment, organizational form, system of military strength and work style of the military have been reshaped over the past five years, Xi said.

After a military meeting held in Gutian, Fujian province, the Party has strengthened political work within the armed forces and made firm efforts in ensuring a clean environment and fighting corruption in the military.

Xi said that China has advanced the reform of national defense and the armed forces, making historic steps in building a system of military strength with Chinese characteristics.

"The system, structure, pattern and image of the army have all been renewed," he said.


5. Thoughts on building strong army

The CPC has established its thoughts on building a strong military in a new phase, Xi said.

The Party has put forward a series of new ideas and requirements concerning national defense and military building in the past five years since the 18th CPC National Congress, which together constitute the CPC's thoughts on building a strong army in the new phase, Xi said.

The Party's military strengthening theories should be constantly enriched and developed to cope with new challenges and solve new problems under new circumstances, he said.


6. Army with souls

President Xi called for a new generation of "capable, brave and virtuous" army "with souls" in order to build a strong military.

Calling political work the "lifeline" of the PLA, Xi said troops must have ironclad faith, beliefs, disciplines and responsibilities, and retain their nature and tenet as the people's army.

Xi stressed the role of fighting spirit, revolutionary discipline and civilian-military unity in claiming various victories.

As long as the armed forces stand with and win the support of the people, a "wall of iron" can be fortified, Xi said, reminding the armed forces to keep firmly in mind the fundamental principle of serving the people.


7. Military-civilian integration as national strategy

President Xi urged boosting integrated military and civilian development amid efforts to build a strong military.

China must build a national strategic system and capacity in military-civilian integration, he said.

He urged efforts to create the "coordinated, balanced and inclusive development" of economic and national defense construction.

Calling the modernization of national defense and military "a common cause of the Party and the people," Xi urged central and state organs, Party committees and governments at all levels to create a favorable environment and offer strong support for building a strong military.


8. Fighting for the people

President Xi has urged the country's armed forces to bear in mind the sacred duty of fighting for the people.

The PLA is deeply rooted in the people and the strength comes from the people, said Xi.

Xi called on the PLA to maintain its close relationship with the people and "go through thick and thin" with them.

The PLA should also actively contribute to the economic and social development in stationed areas to benefit the people with actions, said Xi.


9. No loss of 'any piece' of land

"The Chinese people treasure peace and we absolutely do not engage in invasion and expansion. However, we have the confidence to conquer all forms of invasion," Xi said.

"We absolutely will not permit any person, any organization, any political party — at any time, in any form — to separate any piece of Chinese territory from China," Xi said to applause.

"No one should expect us to swallow the bitter fruit of damage to our sovereignty, security and development interests."

"The people's army will resolutely safeguard the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and our country's socialist system, resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and resolutely safeguard regional and world peace," Xi said.


10. community of shared future

President Xi has urged the country's armed forces to contribute to fostering a community of shared future for mankind.

China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and an upholder of international order, said Xi, adding that the PLA has been a steadfast keeper of world peace.

The PLA will continue international military exchanges and cooperation to cope with global security challenges, said Xi.

It will also actively implement the responsibilities and duties commensurate with the country's international status, said Xi.







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