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导读:以色列社会学家基于对23名后悔生了孩子的母亲的采访发表研究论文,希望社会对这些不同的经历给予更多空间。I dont think it was worth it. Tammy is a mother who wishes she hadnt been. Dont get me wrong, I love my kids. But i



‘I don’t think it was worth it.” Tammy is a mother who wishes she hadn’t been. “Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids. But it comes at a huge cost; mentally, emotionally and physically.”


Writing anonymously on feminist website the Vagenda, Tammy says: “My body was ruined, I had to have surgeries later in life to repair what was done to me by forcing an almost 9lb child through my body.


And worse yet, it seems as though expressing this honestly makes me a monster ... It seems as though your entire self becomes nothing more than a functional enabler for your kids’ success.”


So why do women regret having children?


Last year, Orna Donath, an Israeli sociologist published a study based on interviews with 23 Israeli mothers who regret having had children.

去年,以色列社会学家Orna Donath在基于对23名以色列后悔生了孩子的母亲的采访而发表研究论文。

In it she argues that while motherhood “may be a font of personal fulfillment, pleasure, love, pride, contentment and joy”, it “may simultaneously be a realm of distress, helplessness, frustration, hostility and disappointment, as well as an arena of oppression and subordination”.


But the purpose of this study was not to let mothers express ambivalence towards motherhood, but to provide a space for mothers who actually have “the wish to undo motherhood”, something that Donath describes as an “unexplored maternal experience”.


“The ideological impetus to be a mother,” as Donath describes it, can be found across all walks of society and is founded on the powerful conception that complete female happiness can only be achieved through motherhood.


Those who seek to challenge this narrative face overwhelming opposition, which makes an honest, open debate difficult.


Donath speaks of the ideological promises made to prospective mothers about the joys of raising children, and of the “simultaneous delegitimisation of women who remain childless”, who are reckoned to be “egoistic, unfeminine, pitiful and somehow defective”.


I am a mother, too, and while I don’t regret it, I can deeply sympathise with women who feel betrayed by the eternal myth that enjoying motherhood is a biological predisposition.


And I wonder if I would have chosen to be a mother had I not been indoctrinated all my life to believe that motherhood is the only thing that will complete my happiness. I’m not so sure.


Donath’s aim is simple: she wants to allow mothers to live motherhood as a subjective experience, one that can combine love and regret, one that will be accepted by society, no matter how it looks.


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  • 以色列 社会学家
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