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The Sleepwalker of New York 纽约的“梦游者“

导读:托尼麦特里(Tony Matelli)的缺陷性人体雕塑和恐怖的自我肖像被视为一种超级写实主义者焦虑的表达。在过去的15年里,他运用诙谐恐怖的手法重新诠释了人类现状。这个呈现斜倚的人体这一经典动作的人风格奇异、模仿拙劣。而这位纽约的梦

导读:托尼·麦特里(Tony Matelli)的缺陷性人体雕塑和恐怖的自我肖像被视为一种超级写实主义者焦虑的表达。在过去的15年里,他运用诙谐恐怖的手法重新诠释了人类现状。这个呈现斜倚的人体这一经典动作的人风格奇异、模仿拙劣。而这位纽约的“梦游者”正式出自他手。

The Sleepwalker of New York 纽约的“梦游者“

The image features what appears to be a balding middle-aged man, wearing only a dingy pair of droopy Y-fronts, sleepwalking with arms outstretched, zombie-like, through the streets of New York. What’s especially unsettling about the photo isn’t, ironically, the precariousness of the comatose sleepwalker, but the nonplussed reaction of those among whom he seems blindly to stumble.


What we, as consumers of the image, don’t realise until we read the accompanying caption, is that the imperilled sleepwalker isn’t really a human being at all, but a life-size painted bronze sculpture by the Brooklyn artist Tony Matelli, known for his challenging hyper-realistic works.


Matelli’s work was commissioned for display in the Manhattan public park High Line as part of a new exhibition, Wanderlust, which explores themes of journeying, pilgrimage and walking. By focusing on a figure whose physical and cognitive states appear to be out of step, Matelli challenges observers to reflect on how well synchronised their own actions and principles are.


The Sleepwalker of New York 纽约的“梦游者“

John Everett Millais’s The Somnambulist was praised for its portrayal of a sleepwalker in 1871

John Everett Millais的作品《梦游者》在1871年因其对一个梦游者的写照获得赞誉

Millais’s haunting portrait casts a barefoot young woman in an apparitional nightgown, ghosting the edge of a cliff over which her still-sleeping mind might tumble at any moment. The murkiness of the annihilating darkness to her right is amplified by the extinguished taper and blunt brass of the candlestick she carries limply in her hand.


Painted in 1871, the work bewitched admirers of the celebrated artist, accustomed to the rich detail and complexity of colour


The photo of Matelli’s sculpture taps into that same power that invigorates Millais’s portrait. But in the case of the viral image circulating this week, the “eyes still wide open, though not seeing” are those of the real, unsculpted figures who pass by the sculpture, oblivious to its imminent and metaphoric peril.


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  • Sleepwalker
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