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A six-year-old first grader from Sacramento, Calif., sprung into action when she saw her friend choking on a piece of apple.Elspeth Beanie Mar performed the Heimlich Maneuver on her pal Aniyah Rigmaiden, dislodging the a

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A six-year-old first grader from Sacramento, Calif., sprung into action when she saw her friend choking on a piece of apple.

Elspeth "Beanie" Mar performed the Heimlich Maneuver on her pal Aniyah Rigmaiden, dislodging the apple and saving Rigmaiden's life, according to News10 in Sacramento.

Judy Montgomery, principal of the Greenhaven Drive school, lauded Mar for her composure, according to the Sacramento Bee.

"It was so matter-of-fact," Montgomery told the paper. "She got up, got the apple out of the little girl's throat and then sat back down."

The Bee reports that Mar learned how to do the Heimlich from watching an episode of Disney's "A.N.T. Farm."

The story is strikingly similar to one reported in March by WOAI in San Antonio in which six-year-old Jasiah Rubalcava saved his friend from choking by using the Heimlich.

Rubalcava also reportedly learned the technique from a Disney show. This time it was "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody."

Perhaps Disney should start marketing its programs as life saving television.

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