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CCTV9英语新闻:习近平视察军委联合作战指挥中心Chinese President Xi Jinping has visited the Central Military Commissions Joint Battle Command Center. He underlined the need for creation and reform within the army to build


Chinese president Xi Jinping has visited the central Military Commission’s Joint Battle Command Center. He underlined the need for creation and reform within the army to build a comprehensive, integrated and effective command system.


Chinese President Xi Jinping inspects the joint battle command center of the Central Military Commission on April 20, 2016. [Photo: Xinhua]

Greeted by officers and soldiers, Xi, who also serves as the chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Chinese Army, started his visit to the army’s joint battle command center.

Xi watched officers and soldiers dealing with various data and information, and listened to reports about the center and China’s recently-restructured battle zones. He underlined the need for creation and reform within the army, to build a command system that is absolutely loyal, resourceful in fighting, efficient in commanding and capable of winning wars.

Xi urged the army to implement a set of military strategies and tactics that suit the new domestic and international situation. He emphasized that the center must focus on its core function of operational command, and bear in mind the ultimate target of building a stronger Chinese army.

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