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It took a while, but President Obama has finally gotten rid of his BlackBerry. However, he says hes now using something akin to a childs play phone.虽然花费了一段时间,但奥巴马总统终于换掉了他的黑莓手机。然而奥巴马说,他


It took a while, but president Obama has finally gotten rid of his BlackBerry. However, he says he’s now using something akin to a child’s play phone.


Yes, that may well sound like an upgrade to some folks, but it seems much of the new phone’s functionality has been removed over security concerns.


It’s not clear which handset he’s now using, but in a recent appearance on the The Tonight Show, Obama joked about the conversation he had with his security aides when he was handed his new smartphone earlier this year.


“I was the first president to have a BlackBerry, and so years passed and no one else has BlackBerrys,” Obama told Jimmy Fallon. “Then finally this year they said ‘Good news Mr. President, we’re going to give you a state-of-the-art smartphone instead of a BlackBerry.’ I thought, ‘Alright, this is cool. I’m excited, and I get the thing and they’re like, ‘Mr. President, for security reasons, it doesn’t take pictures, you can’t text, the phone doesn’t work, you can’t play your music on it.’”


Much fuss was made about Obama being the first “high-tech president” when he entered office with his beloved BlackBerry in 2009. At that time, the mobile device was still hugely popular, with the company, then called research In Motion, enjoying more than 55 percentof the U.S. smartphone market.


Although iPhone and Android handsets grew rapidly in popularity after 2009 thanks to their touchscreens and extra functionality, Obama’s handlers decided to stick with the BlackBerry for its more reliable security features, though even then the president’s phone was modified to make it even more secure. Then in 2014 the White House revealed it was testing Android phones’ security with a view to using them, while just a few months ago reports confirmed that many White House aides are already using iPhones.


As for Obama, if he really is using a smartphone with barely any functionality, the good news is he only has a few months left in office. At which point he’ll be able to get any darn phone he likes.


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