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中国举办美术展庆祝中国共产党建党95周年为庆祝中国共产党建党95周年,中国国家博物馆举行了一场美术展。A fine art exhibition is being held at the National Museum of China in Beijing to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the fo



A fine art exhibition is being held at the National Museum of China in Beijing to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The works aim to narrate some of the major events of the CPC's history. 

95 years...celebrated through art.

The special exhibition features paintings, lithographs, sculptures, caricatures and other mixed-media works of art. Some of the displayed pieces are from the national museum's collection...while the rest have been produced by artists across the nation especially for the show.


A fine art exhibition is being held at the National Museum of China in Beijing to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The works aim to narrate some of the major events of the CPC's history.

Different generations of artists tell different events of the party through their works. 

"This piece was painted by my father more than half a century ago. It tells the story of 8 loyal female party members during wartime, while my work describes the life of Liu Shaoqi when he led the party branch of Northeast China. My father and I tried to portray some of the party members with our art pieces," said Wang Tieniu, painter.

The exhibition is divided into four categories, presenting the path the Party has followed from the new democratic revolution period, the socialist revolution and construction period, the reform and opening-up period...to the current period of pursuing the Chinese Dream.  

The works mark many historic moments, showing Chinese Communist Party members striving for independence during wartime, and achieving new goals afterwards.

The exhibition runs through July the 1st in Beijing.

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