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导读:上周日在美国奥兰多爆发的枪击案中,50人不幸遇难,举世震惊。J.K.罗琳在推特上对一名遇难的哈利波特主题公园的工作人员表达了哀悼之情。Names of the victims from Sundays horrific Orlando nightclub shooting have started to b



Names of the victims from Sunday’s horrific Orlando nightclub shooting have started to be released, putting faces to the tragic losses. On Sunday night, famed "Harry Potter" scribe J.K. Rowling took to Twitter to remember one such life.


“Luis Vielma worked on the Harry Potter ride at Universal. He was 22 years old. I can’t stop crying. #Orlando,” Rowling tweeted, along with a photo of Luis wearing his employee uniform, which featured a Gryffindor tie, and flashing a thumbs up.

“刘易斯(Luis Vielma)在环球影业的哈利·波特主题园工作,他才刚刚22岁,我无法停止哭泣。#奥兰多,”罗琳在推特中写道,还附上了一张刘易斯的照片。照片中刘易斯身着工作服,系了一条格兰芬多的领带,竖着大拇指。

Luis is one of 50 victims from the shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, which happened in the early hours of Sunday morning. In addition to the lives lost, 53 people are still injured as a result of a gunman opening fire at the known gay bar. The shooting happened while some cities around the country were hosting LGBT Pride celebrations and just a day before the Tony Awards, which dedicated their show on Sunday night to the Pulse victims.


The loss was acknowledged by Tonys host James Corden, who opened the awards show with a touching tribute to the victims, declaring, “Hate will never win.”


Several theater stars spoke with ET at the show about their reaction to the painful news.


“It feels more important than ever to celebrate new music,” "Hamilton" creator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda told ET. “If art is what fights tragedy, if art is what fights the void, if art is what helps us make sense of violence and random acts of cowardice and killing, then tonight’s important.”


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