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CCTV9英语新闻:英国哈雷管弦乐团武汉开班周一,来自英国哈雷管弦乐团的音乐家在武汉开设了大师班。哈雷管弦乐团是英国最古老最享有盛誉的管弦乐团之一,他们不仅国际循环演出,而且具有杰出的教育延伸课程。Musicians from UKs Halle Or



Musicians from UK’s Halle Orchestra held a masterclass in Wuhan on Monday. The orchestra is one of UK’s most prestigious and oldest orchestras who not only tours internationally but also boasts an exceptional educational outreach program. 

The class started early in the morning. After a short full run-through reheasal, musicians and students were separated into 5 groups to work on the Mozart Divertimento K136 and Tchaikovsky Serenade for strings. On the violin is Wang Zheng Nan. The 16-year-old started playing the violin when he was just 3 years old and feels lucky to take part in the masterclass of 30 students.


Musicians from UK’s Halle Orchestra held a masterclass in Wuhan on Monday.

"I’m used to playing by myself. Halle is a famous orchestra, and I am excited to learn how to play in orchestra. Most teachers in China emphasize the technique, the Halle masters show us the importance of understanding and interpreting the music, especially as an ensemble," Wang said.

Lyn Fletcher is the first violin of Halle Orchestra. though she has had Chinese students in UK, it’s her first time coaching outside of the UK and certainly in China. Yet, her patience and experience more than compensated for the language barrier.

"People here are very nice, students play very hard. Maybe because they don’t have such profound history of orchestra, students are not very much used to that," Lyn Fletcher said.


The class started early in the morning. After a short full run-through reheasal, musicians and students were separated into 5 groups to work on the Mozart Divertimento K136 and Tchaikovsky Serenade for strings

Due to Halle Orchestra’s busy schedule, the masterclass in Wuhan had to be shorten by a day, but progress is already being made in the classrooms and at the afternoon rehearsal.

Manchester and Wuhan have been sister cities for 30 years. This masterclass is an example of a musical connection that also runs deep between the two cities. More exchanges are in the pipeline and will no doubt facilitate further understanding between people in the UK and China.

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