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CCTV9英语新闻:喀布尔爆炸致80人死亡,230人受伤两名自杀式袭击者喀布尔人群中引爆炸弹,造成至少80人死亡,230人受伤。ISIL坦诚犯案。这是可能自2001年以来针对阿富汗平民的最大的恐怖袭击。At least 80 people have been killed and o



At least 80 people have been killed and over 230 others injured after two suicide bombers detonated explosives into a crowd of people in Kabul. ISIL has claimed responsibility for the bombings, in what may be the single biggest attack against civilians in Afghanistan since 2001. CCTV's Catherine James reports.


At least 80 people have been killed and over 230 others injured after two suicide bombers detonated explosives into a crowd of people in Kabul.

A peaceful march by members of the minority Hazara population through Afghanistan's capital Kabul ended in bloodshed when an ISIL terrorist detonated a suicide vest. 

"I was sitting right there. My mother, sister and little brother were sitting right down there. When the explosion happened, everything was demolished, everybody was dead in the street. It was the most shocking situation I've ever seen," said Mohammad Zaher Muradi, witness.

The attack took place in a square where thousands of protestors had gathered to demand a new power line service their area.

The scene here today is one of deep mourning as the people here who earlier came to protest a democratic right to have their voice heard by the Afghan government about an electricity line saw it turned into a site of carnage, one of the biggest attacks we've seen in Kabul.

Afghan officials say the terrorists infiltrated the peaceful crowd to carry out the attack. 


At least 80 people have been killed and over 230 others injured after two suicide bombers detonated explosives into a crowd of people in Kabul.

"Many people were injured, many people were killed. Then as you see, witness under this flag, there was blood all on the road," said Elyas, witness.

ISIL was quick to claim responsibility. Members of the Hazara community blamed the Afghan government which, they say, has long discriminated against them.

"Today we came out asking for justice very peacefully but last night the government warned us that if you come out we will kill you. And today they really killed us," said Daoud Shadab, witness.

The president of Afghanistan went on television to declare that Sunday will be a day of national mourning.

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