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王毅:南海问题要回到双轨思路上来中国外交部部长王毅呼吁卷入南海问题的各方回到双轨思路上来 。Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has urged all parties involved in the South China Sea issue to return to a dual-track approach.Wa


中国外交部部长王毅呼吁卷入南海问题的各方回到“双轨”思路上来  。

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has urged all parties involved in the South China Sea issue to return to a “dual-track approach.”

Wang’s comments came during the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Laos, after a meeting with Second Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade for Brunei, YB Phein Dato Lim Jock Seng.

“China had a nice talk with Brunei. We both agreed that we should return to the ‘dual-track approach,’ though we have encountered some disturbances and influences. Disputes should be addressed through dialogue and consultation by countries directly involved,” Wang said.

“Peace and stability in the South China Sea should be maintained by China and other coastal countries. The dual-track approach is consistent with the stipulations in the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and the spirit of international law as represented by the U.N. Charter. It is also consistent with the interests of the people in the region.”

  • 本文标签:
  • 南海问题 双轨思路
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