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Facilities, security & transportation system in place fo

The official G20 summit kicks off on September 4th. Hangzhou authorities have announced the city has already finished preparations one month ahead of schedule.All of the venues for the G20 and B20 summits have been compl

The official G20 summit kicks off on September 4th. Hangzhou authorities have announced the city has already finished preparations one month ahead of schedule.

All of the venues for the G20 and B20 summits have been completed and the city is ready to host the leaders from the 19 most developed countries and the EU.

"At this moment, we can announce that preparation for the G20 summit is complete. We keep refining security, making plans and drills for all possible emergencies, in order to ensure our guests' reception, venues and key facilities are running well," said Zhao Yide, Party Secretary of Hangzhou city. 

"Meanwhile, we will seize the opportunity of hosting the G20 and B20 summits, and enhance cooperation with big global companies to boost local economic development."

  • 本文标签:
  • Facilities security
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