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很多留学生喜欢住在寄宿家庭里,他们认为寄宿家庭可以提供英语氛围,能够体会到家的温暖与当地的文化。然而,事情并非如此简单。Chloe Cai, 16, will never forget the great despair she felt on the night she got trapped in the sn


Chloe Cai, 16, will never forget the great despair she felt on the night she got trapped in the snow in the US。 She could not get a taxi and was hoping that her host family would make the 30-minute drive to pick her up。 But they didn’t。 She ended up waiting for a bus to come。 “I did not feel the warmth from my host family at all,” said Cai。


One of the growing numbers of Chinese students who resort to staying with a host family to study abroad, Cai moved to the US at 13 in 2013 and lived with three different host families in as many years。


According to a report from ftchinese.com on June 20, statistics from the Institute of International Education, a non-profit that focuses on international student exchange, Chinese students are now entering schools abroad at a younger age。 From 2004 to 2015, the number of Chinese students with F-1 international student visas studying in American high schools increased a hundredfold, rising from 433 to 43,000。


According to Wang Meng, a senior consultant at Meten English, a training center for learning English and studying abroad, as the overall numbers grew, so too did the number of host family programs。


“More Chinese parents now send their kids abroad at an earlier age,” said Wang。 “Since most of them are under 18, they need a legal guardian overseas, which means host families are a must。”


He said staying with a host family is also preferred by many students over 18 because they offer an “English language atmosphere, homey warmth, and native culture。”


However, the reality is far from easy。 Cultural and lifestyle differences between the Chinese students and their host families have caused many conflicts with problems ranging from different dining habits and relationship expectations to the usage of electronic devices and household duties。


  • 本文标签:
  • 留学生 家庭生活
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