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13岁女孩患上侏儒症 原因竟是从5岁就开始化妆

导读:少女正值豆蔻年华,却被诊断为侏儒症。出人意外的是,她身体出现问题的原因竟然是化妆品。Manman is a 13 year old girl with a pretty face in Hankou, a city in central Chinas Hubei province. She had always been of an avera


13岁女孩患上侏儒症 原因竟是从5岁就开始化妆

Manman is a 13 year old girl with a pretty face in Hankou, a city in central China’s Hubei province. She had always been of an average height during growing up. But in the past two years, Manman has not grown at all. After a body check at the hospital, Manma was diagnosed with dwarfism.


Surprisingly, the cause of her growth change was cosmetic products.


Manman’s mother is one of those trendy hot moms who pay a lot of attention to the looks. Ever since Manman was five, her mother started to put make up on her and dress her like a beautiful Barbie doll. However, Manman stopped growing since two years ago and her height remained at 1.4 meters (4.5 ft). After her mother took her to the hospital, Manman was later confirmed to have a case of dwarfism.


“Manman’s bone age is 16 years old and her bone epiphyseal has closed already. She probably would never grow any taller anymore,” said the doctor. After communication with Manman and her mother, the doctor concluded because she has been wearing make up since an early age, consequently an over intake of oestrogen is the major cause of Manman’s dwarfism.


The acting physician would like to remind parents that children’s skin are still poor to function fully for the purpose of bodily defense, and is more sensitive than adults’. Using cosmetics at an early age can be very harmful for children in many ways. If a child grows less than 5 centimeters a year since the age 3 to puberty, parents should be alert of the situation and have the child checked at the hospital.


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