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2016年奥运会英文报道:118名俄罗斯运动员被禁赛国际奥委会宣布118名俄罗斯运动员被禁止参加里约奥运会,271名运动员获准参加。The International Olympic Committee announced that 118 Russian athletes have been banned from the Rio



The International Olympic Committee announced that 118 Russian athletes have been banned from the Rio Olympics while 271 are allowed to compete. 

only one out of 68 players from Russia's track and field team will attend the Games. Other banned atheletes are from various teams including rowing and bicycle racing.

Preparing to open the Rio Olympic doors to the world the upcoming games begin under a weight of issues. Key among them is the controversy surrounding Russia after a report from the World Anti Doping agency accused the country of state sponsored drug cheating. 

The IOC refused to issue a blanket ban on competition leaving the decision to individual federations.


International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach addresses a press conference of 129th IOC session in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Aug. 4, 2016. (Xinhua/Han Yuqing)

Bach said, "I can look into the eyes of these athletes because I have a very clean conscience. We have been weighing all the arguments, and we have taken our decision with a very good conscience."

Russia's track and field team remains banned along with the country's weightlifters and 17 Russian rowers among others. Bach emphasized that testing at the games will be rigorous. 

Bach also added, "The message is clear there is no place to hide for cheats and dopers can never feel safe anywhere. We want to show them that if you are clean you are much better off, and you can be successful, and you can participate in the Games as a respected athlete."

The doping scandal will no doubt continue to dominate the headlines over the next couple of weeks. But in time, organizers hope that stories of sporting excellence will replace the negative coverage And make the games memorable for all the right reasons.

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