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河南大学生毕业当天家传喜讯 妻子生下四胞胎

导读:6月24日,也就是河南省平舆县李乾熙领到大学毕业证的当天,妻子产下了四胞胎,两男两女。On June 24, when Li Qianxi from Pingyu County, Henan, received a university certificate, his wife gave birth to four babies two boys


河南大学生毕业当天家传喜讯 妻子生下四胞胎

On June 24, when Li Qianxi from Pingyu County, Henan, received a university certificate, his wife gave birth to four babies—— two boys and two girls. Hearing the good news, he returned to the home excitedly to tell his friends and relatives, saying “ I have no idea how to tell my class that I suddenly have four kids on the same day when I received the college diploma.”


The reporter went to meet Li Qianxi and his wife Yang Xiaowen in the maternity ward of the People’s Hospital in Pingyu County, whose four kids had been delivered to the nursery room. The two girls were uptaking oxygen in CICU.


“The puerpera is relatively young. With the quadruplets as her first birth experience, she has been in good condition after childbirth.” Zhao Long, the director of obstetrics and gynecology of the hospital told the reporter, “ She was hospitalized on June 17th and some wrong came up on the morning of June 20th that the puerpera couldn’t stand up with small capacity of uterine cavity and slow fetal movement.” Zhao Long and several other obstetricians immediately decided to operate the caesarean section after consultation.


“The operation took half an hour. The first boy of 2.4kg came out , followed by two girls weighing 2.1kg and 1.9kg. The last baby was a boy ,weighing 1.65kg. With two minutes per baby on average, the quadruplets have a total weight of more than 7.5kg.” Zhao Long said. The doctors in this hospital have delivered quadruplets for many times since 2000. However, most families including Li Qianxi’s would have mixed emotions in face of such situation.


Li Qianxi’s mother told reporter that she lived in Zhangmiao County in Donghuang Street with husband and her mother-in-law, managing to eke out a living with one-acre land in hand. She would take care of the elderly mother-in-law and do some farm work at home. Her husband is the breadwinner who makes money for son and daughter’s education as a driver. “ My son got married last year, and his wife got pregnant soon after marriage. Now he just became the father of four kids after he graduated from college.”


“Actually we are very happy to see our grandsons and grandaughters. We are just worried that how to raise these children. ” Li Qianxi’s mother said, “ We will be extremely grateful if there can be some warm-hearted people or formula manufacturers who are ready to offer some help. My son and daughter-in-law used to be medical students and they will make contribution to the society and pass on love and kindness in the future. ”


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