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Japan launches train with wall-sized windows

Japan has plenty of stunning landscape and scenery. But riding the famous bullet trains across the country, passengers are often left with a blurred image. Now however, they will be able to enjoy the beauty in all of its

Japan has plenty of stunning landscape and scenery. But riding the famous bullet trains across the country, passengers are often left with a blurred image. Now however, they will be able to enjoy the beauty in all of its glory, thanks to a train that has huge windows instead of walls.

Japan launches train with wall-sized windows

Passengers in Japan will be able to enjoy the beauty in all of its glory thanks to a train that has huge windows instead of walls.

Futuristic design: Carriages are akin to glass tubes, offering panoramic views. The driver’s room is also glass, and passengers can enjoy a drink while watching the driver at work.

The tourist train traverses a magnificent landscape in the western part of the Niigata Prefecture. The two carriages contain 45 seats, with the first carriage offering viewpoints and the second housing a French restaurant.

Designed by Ichibansen, the Echigo Tokimeki Resort Setsugekka charges about U.S.$145 for the full package.

Japan launches train with wall-sized windows

Passengers in Japan will be able to enjoy the beauty in all of its glory thanks to a train that has huge windows instead of walls.

Japan launches train with wall-sized windows

Passengers in Japan will be able to enjoy the beauty in all of its glory thanks to a train that has huge windows instead of walls.

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