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Athletes shop for Rio momentos

the organizing committee of the 2016 Rio Olympics has said that there are more than 11,000 athletes participating in this year's Games, making it a record high. In addition to competing in events, many of them are on

the organizing committee of the 2016 Rio Olympics has said that there are more than 11,000 athletes participating in this year's Games, making it a record high. In addition to competing in events, many of them are on the hunt for souvenirs to take home as gifts for friends and family. 

Here at the chartered store inside the Olympic Village, athlete-turned-shoppers have tons of choices. Spanish hockey player Carola Salvatella came to the store ahead of her preliminary match, saying it's her way of relaxing herself before getting on the court to compete.

Athletes shop for Rio momentos

In addition to competing in events, many of them are on the hunt for souvenirs to take home as gifts for friends and family.

"Actually I just arrived here today. When I came into the store, I found there are many awesome souvenirs that I can take home to my families and friends. And I also want to buy some shirts for myself because I'm going to need a lot of those," she said.  

"I'm looking at these shirts here because all of them are limited editions and you can only buy them here at this store, you can't find them anywhere else. And I think it's a great choice for anyone who can get access to this store," said Sebastien Perilho, Argentina coach.

Most of the shoppers here at the Olympic village intend to purchase souvenirs which will easily fit in their bags when it's time to go home.

Athletes shop for Rio momentos

In addition to competing in events, many of them are on the hunt for souvenirs to take home as gifts for friends and family.

"I'm just browsing and I want to buy some shirts and pins for my friends and family. I think the prices here are a little bit higher than the stores outside. Since we are here though, it's more convenient to get these here at this store," said Chen Jin, coach of China Women's Badminton.

But no matter what, athletes are definitely given an opportunity to take home some beautiful memories - and that in itself is priceless.

  • 本文标签:
  • Athletes momentos
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