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80岁诺奖得主向名媛求婚 前两任妻子是姨妈和表妹

导读:与前妻帕特丽西娅签署了离婚协议后,秘鲁79岁的诺贝尔文学奖获主巴尔加斯.略萨向现年64岁的前选美皇后伊莎贝.普瑞斯勒求婚。Perus Mario Vargas Llosa, 79, is now stepping out with 64-year-old former beauty queen Isabel Preys


80岁诺奖得主向名媛求婚 前两任妻子是姨妈和表妹

Peru’s Mario Vargas Llosa, 79, is now stepping out with 64-year-old former beauty queen Isabel Preysler after dumping his wife Patricia, 70.


One of Spain’s leading socialites, Preysler was pictured last week walking hand in hand with Vargas Llosa during a ’romantic journey’ to Portugal in Hola!, the Spanish gossip magazine.


The writer told the magazine: ’Our relationship is going very well,’ adding: ’I would prefer not to speak about my private life, and Isabel agrees.’


Spanish ’high society’ tongues had been wagging for weeks after photos emerged of Preysler and Vargas Llosa enjoying a lunch together in Madrid after they flew in from a black-tie dinner in London as guests of Prince Charles.


She is known in her native Philippines as the ’Pearl of Manila’ and in Spain as the ’Queen of Glamour’.


Preysler met Julio Iglesias when he was a teenage footballer dreaming of a singing career and they had three children together, including pop star Enrique, before their marriage was annulled in 1979.


She is known for her unfading youthful looks, which she puts down to to ’an active lifestyle’ rather than surgical intervention.


Her second marriage was to a Spanish marquess, Carlos Falco, and her third to Miguel Boyer, a Spanish politician, who left his wife for her. Boyer died in 2014 aged 75.

她的第二任丈夫是西班牙侯爵Carlos Falco,第三次婚姻则是与西班牙财政部长Miguel Boyer结合——他为了追求伊莎贝与妻子离婚。2014年,75岁的Boyer去世。

Preysler and Vargas Llosa first met in 1986 when she interviewed him for Hola! according to Spanish daily El Mundo, the pair rekindled a ’certain chemistry’ when they met at a corporate lunch.


Vargas Llosa has been heavily criticised in the Spanish press for his handling of the split with Patricia, with whom he has three grown-up children and who is also his first cousin.


In April he reportedly told his spouse of half a century: ’It’s not a fling like the other times, Patricia, this time it’s for real, and when I get back to Madrid, I’ll be leaving our house.’ He is said to have added: ’ Now I feel what happiness is. I don’t have much time left.’


Curiously, the following month, in a video that surfaced recently on a newspaper website, he was seen laughing and clapping while celebrating his golden wedding in New York with his wife, children and grandchildren.


The magazine reportedly paid up to 600,000 pound for its ’exclusive’ piece on the ’madly in love’ couple.


Vargas Llosa’S first wife, Julia Urquidi, was his aunt by marriage, 10 years his senior and the inspiration for the character of Aunt Julia in his 1977 novel Aunt Julia and the scriptwriter, which became a film.

略萨的第一任妻子是他的姨妈Julia Urquidi,比他年长10岁,是其1977年创作的小说《胡利娅姨妈与作家》的原型,后来改编成了电影。

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