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Director Lu Chuan on his latest movie

Chinese director Lu Chuans latest filmBorn in China premiered last Friday. A young director with high inspirations, Lu has teamed up with Disneynature and turned his camera on Chinas most precious animals: the giant pand

Chinese director Lu Chuan’s latest film“Born in China” premiered last Friday. A young director with high inspirations, Lu has teamed up with Disneynature and turned his camera on China’s most precious animals: the giant panda, the golden snub-nosed monkey, and the snow leopard.

Director Lu Chuan on his latest movie

"Born in China"

Culture express host Ji Xiaojun sat down with the prolific filmmaker to talk about making China’s first-ever nature film and how starting a family has changed him.

Director Lu Chuan on his latest movie

Director Lu Chuan on his latest movie.

  • 本文标签:
  • Director
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