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CCTV9英语新闻:大陆奥运代表团访问澳门大陆奥运代表团在香港度过了周末,现在抵达渡运码头,开始了对澳门为期4天的访问。The Chinese Olympic delegation is continuing their tour around the region. After spending the weekend in H



The Chinese Olympic delegation is continuing their tour around the region. After spending the weekend in Hong Kong, the group arrived at the Ferry Terminal, kicking off a four-day visit to Macao. The athletes, led by Liu Peng, the minister of the general Administration of Sport of China, received warm welcome.


64-member delegation begins four-day tour of Macao

A marching band highlighted the squad as they waited to board the vessel to the island. A 64-member strong delegation, including 42 medalists from Rio, coaches and badminton player Lin Dan, sprint athlete Su Bingtian as well as Fu Yuanhui, the swimmer who gained internet fame, will interact with local citizens during the visit. 

once arriving on the island, Chui Sai On, the Chief Executive of Macao special Administive Region, greeted the delegation, and says the athletes’ trip to the region allows locals to interact with the Olympians, and understand the sacrifices they made in reaching the Games. He also believes that Macao youth can also learn from the athletes, on how to have a positive outlook on life. 

Liu Peng says that the delegation received a warm welcome in Macao. And he believes the mainland and Macao will continue to strengthen cooperation in sports.


  The delegation received a warm welcome in Macao.

The delegation also attended “A date with the youth” activity to discuss training and competition Tuesday morning and interacted with Macao residents. The athletes will go to six different communities to speak with local people and showcase their sporting skills and talk with Macao teens. 

“I’d like to see China’s national women’s volleyball team, to see how they won gold at the Olympics,” said one fan.

“I am very excited to be here seeing the Olympic gold medalists. The success of these athletes has instilled in me, that many things are not too, difficult and we can overcome them. Just like the athletes who have reached the pinnacle of their careers, we can make it, too,” said another fan.

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