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关于在游泳池里小便 你不知道的那些事儿

导读:随着夏季来临,气温不断攀升,北京市各大游泳场馆人气爆棚。然而,眼前的一池碧水是否真像看到的这么干净?Where should we urinate? Most people are likely to say, the washroom, of course. But how about a swimming pool


关于在游泳池里小便 你不知道的那些事儿

Where should we urinate? Most people are likely to say, "the washroom, of course". But how about a swimming pool?


As crazy and outrageous as it sounds, urinating in swimming pools is an open secret around the world. according to a recent Travelocity survey of 9,500 vacationers from North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, 64 percent United States citizens, 58 percent Canadians, 46 percent Britons, 44 percent Germans admitted to urinating in the pool at least once or having no problem doing it secretly. A bit conservatively, only 41 percent of Chinese travelers think that is okay.

也许听起来有些疯狂,有些令人惊讶,但在泳池里小便在世界各地都是一个公开的秘密。最近,Travelocity对来自北美、欧洲和亚太地区的9500位度假者进行调查。调查结果显示,64%的美国人、58%的加拿大人、46%的英国人和44%的德国人承认至少曾经在泳池里小便过一次,或者认为在泳池里并不需要偷偷地小便。稍微保守一些的是,只有41%的中国游客认为可以在泳池里小便 。

But recent inspections in Beijing showed low chlorine and high urea levels are common in outdoor swimming pools. The high level of urea is caused by swimmers’ sweat and urine. Also, most pools are believed to use cheaper and substandard chlorine and other disinfectants so as to save operational costs.


Urinating in public has been common both in developing and developed countries. India at times is described as "the world’s largest open air toilet" because of its people’s habit of defecating in the open. Lack of enough public toilets is another reason why people urinate in the streets. For instance, in New York, 94,150 court summonses were issued to people between January 2011 and July 2014 for urinating in public, but just three new public toilets have been built in the city of 8 million people since 2008.


Although some people think it is not a big deal to urinate in a large pool, is it really comfortable for them to imagine themselves swimming in a big "toilet"? Swimmers should use the pool to swim, the washroom to urinate and the shower to wash up. We should not risk our health for just enjoying a little convenience.


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  • 游泳池 不知道
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