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乔治小王子三岁啦! 光脚丫荡秋千笑容暖萌

导读:乔治小王子从出生到现在,一举一动都备受关注,每回公开现身必成媒体焦点,抢走爸爸威廉王子和妈咪凯特王妃的风采。现在,小王子也三岁了,让我们来看下他的暖萌照吧。New pictures showing Prince George at play on a swing and w


乔治小王子三岁啦! 光脚丫荡秋千笑容暖萌

New pictures showing Prince George at play on a swing and with the family dog Lupo have been released by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to mark their son’s third birthday.


William and Kate thanked well-wishers for messages of support they have received marking their eldest child’s milestone on Friday.


Four images have been issued by the royal couple showing the young prince in the grounds of their Norfolk home Anmer Hall.


George in three of the pictures is wearing a striped blue T-shirt and dark blue shorts - which are likely to sell out almost immediately.


In the fourth picture, where he has been captured walking, the young prince is wearing a striped jumper with the image of a whale on the front, beige shorts and dark trainer-style footwear.


A Kensington Palace spokesman said: "The Duke and Duchess hope that people will enjoy seeing these new photographs.


"They would like to thank everyone for all the lovely messages they have received as Prince George celebrates his third birthday."


乔治小王子三岁啦! 光脚丫荡秋千笑容暖萌

The first of the pictures, taken in mid-July by photographer Matt Porteous, show George standing barefoot on a swing, which has been carved with the names of his parents, "William & Catherine".

第一张照片是由摄影师Matt Porteous在7月中旬拍摄的,显示小王子光脚站在秋千上,这张秋千上刻着剑桥公爵夫妇给它命的名“William & Catherine”。

乔治小王子三岁啦! 光脚丫荡秋千笑容暖萌

In another image, he is sitting on the swing looking straight at the camera.


乔治小王子三岁啦! 光脚丫荡秋千笑容暖萌

In the third, the prince is shown walking and in the final image he is sitting on a rug with the family pet Lupo as he offers the dog a taste of his ice cream.


Mr Porteous said: "I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday."

摄影师Matt Porteous表示,“能为乔治小王子拍照我真的非常开心。那是一个非常放松和愉快的氛围。剑桥公爵夫妇决定公开这些照片以庆祝小王子的生日,我非常荣幸。”

Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge was born at St Mary’s Hospital’s private maternity unit, the Lindo Wing, at 4.24pm on July 22 2013, weighing 8lbs 6oz.


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