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大学拒向同性恋学生发毕业证 75000人要求公开道歉

导读:广东一大学竟然拒绝向同性恋学生颁发毕业证,理由是这对女同高调求婚。国际同性恋团体提交请愿书,要求该校向两位学生道歉。An international LGBT group has submitted a petition asking a Guangdong-based university to apologi


大学拒向同性恋学生发毕业证 75000人要求公开道歉

An international LGBT group has submitted a petition asking a Guangdong-based university to apologize to a Guangzhou lesbian student couple for not issuing them diplomas as punishment for their highly publicized marriage proposal.


The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) group All Out sent signatures collected from more than 75,000 people in more than 30 countries to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on Thursday, requesting that the university apologize to the two students.

同性恋(包括女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者和跨性别者)团体All Out收集了30多个国家75000位同性恋者的签名,并于周四将其寄给广东外语外贸大学,要求该校向两位学生道歉。

"I call on you [the university] to apologize publicly to the two students and their families and to take comprehensive measures to prevent discrimination and homophobic harassment on campus," All Out said on its official website.

“我希望贵校向两位学生和她们的家人公开道歉,并采取综合措施杜绝校园里的歧视和骚扰同性恋的现象,” All Out在官网上写道。

"The university received the signatures and said they will look at it," a student who participated in organizing the petition and asked for anonymity told the global Times on Thursday, adding that he hopes the university can foster more communication with LGBT students instead of discriminating against them.


The university refused to give the lesbian couple diplomas because their public proposal in June had "violated certain regulations," one of the women, surnamed Ouyang, confirmed with the Global Times.


Ouyang said that although the two have now received their diplomas, the mental and emotional harm caused by the university’s actions cannot be erased, and the university has not given any apology as requested.


The university could not be reached for comment as of press time.


Peng Yanhui, a member of a Guangzhou-based NGO that helped organize the petition, told the Global Times on Thursday that his group suggested that the university offer lessons to educate its faculty about the harm caused by homophobia.


According to a survey conducted by Pan Suiming, a well-known sexologist from Renmin University of China, 11.4 percent of college students in the country display homosexual tendencies.


Yet according to a 2012 Aibai center poll of 421 students, most of whom identified themselves as gay, 77 percent said they had been subjected to bullying on campus because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


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  • 同性恋 毕业证 75000人
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