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Security risk management to be highlighted in China schools

BEIJING, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities will list security risk management as a measure for assessing primary and middle schools and kindergartens, an official with the Ministry of Education said Thursday.Schools

BEIJING, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities will list security risk management as a measure for assessing primary and middle schools and kindergartens, an official with the Ministry of Education said Thursday.

Schools and kindergartens will be told to install anti-collision facilities at school gates should conditions allow, Wang Daquan told a press conference, adding that heads of schools and kindergartens should be held accountable for school safety.

Educational departments should coordinate with relevant departments to map out guidebooks preventing and controlling bullying and violence, Wang said, citing a guideline recently issued by the state Council.

Wang said that schools should purchase liability insurance, while social organizations are encouraged to establish risk funds on school safety or student aid funds.

  • 本文标签:
  • Security management
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