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In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in

In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in the deep forests in Fuling at their own expense. Though Zhang has a hearing disability and his wife has an eye condition, they managed to lead a construction team

  In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in

In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in the deep forests in Fuling at their own expense. though Zhang has a hearing disability and his wife has an eye condition, they managed to lead a construction team to build mountain roads, which makes life easier for local residents. (Photo: CFP)

  In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in

In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in the deep forests in Fuling at their own expense. Though Zhang has a hearing disability and his wife has an eye condition, they managed to lead a construction team to build mountain roads, which makes life easier for local residents. (Photo: CFP) 

  In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in

In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in the deep forests in Fuling at their own expense. Though Zhang has a hearing disability and his wife has an eye condition, they managed to lead a construction team to build mountain roads, which makes life easier for local residents. (Photo: CFP) 

  In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in

In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in the deep forests in Fuling at their own expense. Though Zhang has a hearing disability and his wife has an eye condition, they managed to lead a construction team to build mountain roads, which makes life easier for local residents. (Photo: CFP)

  In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in

In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in the deep forests in Fuling at their own expense. Though Zhang has a hearing disability and his wife has an eye condition, they managed to lead a construction team to build mountain roads, which makes life easier for local residents. (Photo: CFP)

  In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in

In 2012, Zhang Jiwen and his wife began building roads in the deep forests in Fuling at their own expense. Though Zhang has a hearing disability and his wife has an eye condition, they managed to lead a construction team to build mountain roads, which makes life easier for local residents. (Photo: CFP)

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