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Chunky monkey goes on no-junk-food diet!

A morbidly obese wild monkey nicknamed 'Uncle Fat' has been rescued and placed on a strict diet of lean protein, fruits and vegetables.A morbidly obese wild monkey nicknamed 'Uncle Fat' has been rescued a

A morbidly obese wild monkey nicknamed 'Uncle Fat' has been rescued and placed on a strict diet of lean protein, fruits and vegetables.

Chunky mo<em></em>nkey goes on no-junk-food diet!

A morbidly obese wild monkey nicknamed 'Uncle Fat' has been rescued and placed on a strict diet after ballooning to 60lb.

The overweight macaque ballooned to 60lb - three times the size of an average one - after gorging on junk food and soft drinks left behind by tourists in Thailand.

Uncle Fat got so overweight that he is now in a critical condition where he is at high risk of heart disease and diabetes.

He had developed an enormous belly by previously eating sugary melons, milkshakes, sweetcorn and noodles.

Thai primate conservation group 'Monkey Lovers' said that Uncle was not sick - he was just fat.

Uncle Fatty has now been rescued and taken for a health check and monkey 'fat camp' to try and reduce his weight to a more acceptable 17.5lb - normal for his species.

Uncle Fat is believed to be between 10 and 15 years old. To help him lose weight, his new diet is limited to 400 grams worth of lean protein, fruits and vegetables twice a day.

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  • no-junk-foo
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