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7th person linked to Manchester attack detained by police

LONDON, May 24 (Xinhua) -- A man in connection with the Manchester bombing attack has been arrested, according to a police statement released on late Wednesday.The suspect was arrested at an address in Nuneaton, Warwicks

LONDON, May 24 (Xinhua) -- A man in connection with the Manchester bombing attack has been arrested, according to a police statement released on late Wednesday.

The suspect was arrested at an address in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, following searches connected to the attack, police said.

This has made the total number of suspects linked to the attack rise to seven so far.

Meanwhile, senior police chiefs in Britain reacted with anger Wednesday night after sensitive details of the Manchester Arena suicide bombing were leaked to media in the U.S.

The National Police Chiefs' Council said the leaks undermines the investigation into the Monday night terror attack which left 22 people dead and 64 injured.

The Guardian newspaper in London said that Prime Minister Theresa May will confront U.S. president Donald Trump over the stream of leaks of crucial intelligence when the pair meet Thursday at the NATO summit meeting in Brussels.

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  • Manchester
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