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New superstars in town-Pandas debut in Dutch zoo

Visitors watch giant panda Xing Ya at the Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen City, the Netherlands, May 30, 2017. Giant pandas Wu Wen and Xing Ya, both three and half years old, staged an enchanting debut on Tuesday at the Ouwehand

New superstars in town-Pandas debut in Dutch zoo

Visitors watch giant panda Xing Ya at the Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen City, the Netherlands, May 30, 2017. Giant pandas Wu Wen and Xing Ya, both three and half years old, staged an enchanting debut on Tuesday at the Ouwehands Zoo, where they will stay for 15 years. (Xinhua/Gong Bing)

New superstars in town-Pandas debut in Dutch zoo

Photo taken on May 30, 2017 shows giant panda Xing Ya at the Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen City, the Netherlands. Giant pandas Wu Wen and Xing Ya, both three and half years old, staged an enchanting debut on Tuesday at the Ouwehands Zoo, where they will stay for 15 years. (Xinhua/Gong Bing)

New superstars in town-Pandas debut in Dutch zoo

Visitors watch giant panda Wu Wen at the Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen City, the Netherlands, May 30, 2017. Giant pandas Wu Wen and Xing Ya, both three and half years old, staged an enchanting debut on Tuesday at the Ouwehands Zoo, where they will stay for 15 years. (Xinhua/Gong Bing)

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  • superstars town-Pandas
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