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A disabled man Ye Haitao and his classroom with love

Photo shows Ye Haitao tutoring children at the classromm with love on June 1. (Photo: WWW.News.cn) Ye Haitao is from Ming Zuling village, Ming Zuling town of Xuyu County, in east China's Jiangsu Province. He had Anky

Photo shows Ye Haitao tutoring children at the classromm with love on June 1. (Photo: WWW.News.cn) Ye Haitao is from Ming Zuling village, Ming Zuling town of Xuyu County, in east China's Jiangsu Province. He had Ankylosing Spondylitis in 1993 when he studied at normal School. The disease caused femoral head necrosis and the joint of both legs stiffened. He became paralyzed and had to stop studying. However, Ye never stops his teacher-dream pursuing. He started his classroom with love at home in 1999 and tutoring the left-behind children for free.

Photo shows Ye Haitao teaching children drawing at the classromm with love on June 1. (Photo: WWW.News.cn) Ye had tutored over 300 children for 18 years, Many of them have been admitted to the university. Those children have not only learned knowledge, but also confidence and self-improvement. Ye said that children's sound of reading just like the medicine, which made him see his value by tutoring them.

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  • disabled
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