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导读:美国11个州联合在得克萨斯州北区的美国地区法院提起诉讼,试图阻止奥巴马政府关于允许跨性别学生按心理性别如厕的指令实施。A federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked an Obama administration directive meant to expand b



A federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked an Obama administration directive meant to expand bathroom access for transgender students in the nation’s public schools, the latest development in an ongoing battle pitting the federal government and LGBT advocates against those who believe the policy violates student privacy and infringes on states’ rights.


Texas and a dozen other states sued in an attempt to block the federal directive shortly after it was released in May, and in a 38-page opinion issued Sunday, Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern district of Texas temporarily prohibited the federal government from enforcing it as that lawsuit proceeds. The Obama administration has said that schools must allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and school facilities that match their gender identity, citing it as a civil rights issue protected under the federal sex-discrimination law known as title IX.


The states argued that the federal government had overstepped its authority and effectively issued new regulations for Title IX without going through the proper federal rule-writing process. Opponents of the policy have argued that it abridges student privacy rights and potentially puts them at risk in the assumed safe-spaces of single-sex bathrooms.


The American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing a transgender student in Virginia in a case that so far as brought a higher court ruling from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and might make its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, said Sunday’s ruling should not affect any ongoing cases about transgender rights.


The defendants in that case, Virginia’s Gloucester County School Board, plan to ask the Supreme Court to review the case. It is not clear whether the Supreme Court will agree to hear it, but earlier this month, the high court did grant the school district’s request on a separate issue: The district does not have to allow Grimm to use the boys’ bathroom during the upcoming school year.


O’Connor, the Texas judge, alluded to the prospect of a Supreme Court decision on the issue, writing in his decision Sunday that “a Supreme Court in the near future may obviate the issues in this lawsuit.”


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