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You can now take a zipline off the Eiffel Tower

Millions of people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. But now visitors and citizens of Paris have another reason to view the iconic landmark: They can now fly across a zip line from it. Visitors can fly over the Champs de

Millions of people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. But now visitors and citizens of Paris have another reason to view the iconic landmark: They can now fly across a zip line from it. Visitors can fly over the Champs de Mars at about 55 miles per hour, over 375 feet above the ground, landing at the L'École Militaire. Paris set up the ride to celebrate the French Open. In fact, as participants fly across it, they will going the same speed as a tennis ball when it's served.

Millions of people visit the Eiffel Tower each year. But now visitors and citizens of Paris have another reason to view the iconic landmark: They can now fly across a zip line from it. Visitors can fly over the Champs de Mars at about 55 miles per hour, over 375 feet above the ground, landing at the L'École Militaire. Paris set up the ride to celebrate the French Open. In fact, as participants fly across it, they will going the same speed as a tennis ball when it's served.

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  • zipline
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