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英国厨师小哥挑战世界最辣料理 2分钟他聋了

A British chef who ate the world's hottest noodles - 4,000 times stronger than Tabasco sauce - went deaf for two minutes.一个英国厨师吃了世界上最辣的面条比塔巴斯科辣沙司还要辣4000倍出现了两分钟的失聪。Ben Sumadiwiria

A British chef who ate the world's hottest noodles - 4,000 times stronger than Tabasco sauce - went deaf for two minutes.



Ben Sumadiwiria, 22, from London, found the dish at a tiny back street restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia.The ‘death noodles’ have 100 bird’s eye chilies crushed together giving it a Scoville rating of 20 million - compared with hot Tabasco which is just 5,000 on the scale.

来自伦敦22岁的Ben Sumadiwiria在印尼雅加达的一个小街上发现了这种食物。这种“死亡面条”将整整100个鸟眼辣椒捣碎在一起,相比于热塔巴斯科只有5000的量相比“死亡面条”的史高维尔指数高达20000。

After Ben scoffed the noodles he started sweating, became dizzy, had to soak his head in water and even went deaf for two minutes.


The chef said: “This was definitely the hottest thing I’ve ever eaten. And some locals can even finish a whole plate, which is just crazy.


“I’m not really partial to spicy food but when somebody throws down a challenge I just can’t say no”.



"I went temporarily deaf and my mouth was burning for hours afterwards.”


Ben, a full-time chef who has Indonesian parents and was visiting family in the area, paid 34 Indonesian Rupees (2p) for the plate of noodles and a fried egg.


Ben became so hot after eating the noodles he had to take off his shirt and hold his head under water to cool off.


The 22-year-old downed half-a-dozen glasses of water, milkshake and ate a cold banana but was still dizzy from the intense heat in his mouth.


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